Monday, June 27, 2011

June 26 Very long first day at heartroot Farm

June 26, 2011
Heartroot Farms
Well I am not a happy camper this morning. First, there is no coffee that I can find at 7:00 when breakfast was to start and there is no one moving in the house and I woke up at 4:30 since the sun was up and got up at 6:00 and ran a few miles. I sat outside and the sand gnats starting biting me and drove me inside. I sat up stairs in the computer room and finished my blog when Marilyn our third roommate told me that I snored and she was moving out of our cabin and I told her I was sorry and there was nothing I could do about it. I am grumpy and didn’t feel like playing my flute, which is only the beginning.
At breakfast I was hungry and feeling like I want to cry. When I saw a French Press sitting on the table full of coffee and asked whose it was, and it was for Kim Butterfly.
She, Natasha and I shared one pot, less than a cup a piece. Kim and I talked about coffee and we both come from a place of coffee lovers and being in the Café business and really loving Fair Trade Organic coffee. The host Dawn made a comment about how I had all they symptoms of a caffeine addict so I really felt she understood, I needed coffee. But here is how this turns out.. later after the Waters of the World ritual I asked Dawn, explaining that she had witnessed my addiction, for another cup of coffee. Shown the half bag of coffee and told that I could not have coffee and I would have to wait till morning. I even offered to purchase coffee when she made a trip to the market and she said yes. Later she asked Starhawk for a prescription and I knew she was going to town, we were in class and I was standing right there and she did not offer to pick up coffee, I did not like the vibes and did not mention it. But all through class I was having a hard time focusing and getting really emotional. And I just quite smoking less than two months ago so I was really feeling deprived. When we broke for lunch I asked Kim Butterfly if she would have an affinity session with me and I was able to cry and let out the emotions I had been stuffing. She told me about her Feri training with Thorn and how they had to have a Coffee intervention with the person making and supplying, but the lesson was that if you are that addicted to something you had better think about it. And that was what I needed to hear, but I really felt too that I was and am being treated with disrespect from the host, in my Southern world I would have gone out of my way to make and or offer coffee to my guest and would have made it a point to be sure that they were happy.
Where I feel I am being made to face something that I don’t see as a problem. I drank Black Tea the rest of the day and it took the edge off but I do not like it. And if things get really bad I still have a whole box of Mr.Maple left and I can cry to him. But Kim helped me a lot and she is NOT an addict but was very touched that I asked to affind with her. I have decided to refrain from Coffee while I am here and see what lesson this has to offer. Or at least I will try. And see what happens.
Later in the day Marilyn, the woman with a problem with my snoring asked me for an affinity session, she was totally melting down and was about to pack her stuff and leave because the farm is such a wreck and not supportive of the work we are doing here. I talked her into speaking her mind using "I" statements and was there when she talked with the host. But she moved her sleeping area and will give it another 24 hours. More on that later.
We started our Permaculture work off with Waters of the world and I added the water I got from the Summer Solstice ritual and then from the Wacissa river. We cast a circle, even though I don’t think the majority of people here are Reclaiming and about half of them probably don’t know much about the magic of the work that makes this Starhawk’s Earth Activest training and not just permaculture. Then we cast a circle and called in Elements in a whole different way and did some trance work into walking with the elements and expressed how the different elements came into play for the work we are doing. Last night we played Joggers and cougars, this morning we danced to several songs. There are a lot of really cool songs that are being sung here so I have got to get out my recorder.
We talked a lot about the principles of Permaculture and did a skit to play out one of those in small groups so that is the before lunch. After lunch we did some observation work out in the wild flower garden about patterns in nature and spent some time meditation on them. Once we came in we openly discussed the patterns and how they are used in nature, practical applications, social applications and in the human body. There is a lot of connections to the elements and the directions in design. But we are just getting started.
And our evening session was a long slide show and a movie about permaculture. Then we also watched her trailer for "The Fifth Sacred Thing" and she is trying to raise money for the making of the film.
That was our first day and one of the students did leave due to a very severe mold allergy, and we have a lot of that along with dampness and odors. More on the extremely rustic Heartroot Farm to come. I am very tired and processing…

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