Monday, June 6, 2011

It is JUNE!!!

June 6, 2011
Yes, I know I have really been behind and I have a bunch of photos I want to post. I am just hanging out in the AC at Crystal Connection on my computer today. Trying to catch up with my blogging and life! Putting my foot down on the ground because my head is spinning........

I am so excited that we have had some rain these past few days, the garden might actually make it, and I have my kitchen counter set up to start pickling tomorrow. The okra is coming in strong and I have silly pumpkins popping up where I used the compost, remember in your compost, do not toss your pumpkin seeds unless you want them everywhere….
Noah and I spent several hours working on his Oak Garden yesterday, clearing most of the land by hand and using the natural plants and filling in with some shade loving plants and shrubs as well as trees. The work is hot and tiring but it will be beautiful. He has grand plans of making it a really nice sitting area. My herb garden is right next to it and yesterday we opened up a place to walk between.
So, the raffle (one hour reading with me) at Crystal Connection was won by Deborah Cone and I raised $130, not much but every bit helps, thank you to those that bought a raffle ticket. I am still a little nervous about traveling light on money but I have friends helping me and I will be making a little money along the way. In 11 days I will be in Nova Scotia and then off to Quebec. I will NOT have cell phone at all and limited internet but hopeful enough to keep up with my blog and my family at home. I will be working in the kitchen and other assorted chores while there. It seems they keep us working and in class from 9am-10pm everyday and one day off during the two weeks to do other things.
More Down on the farm….
I know for sure that both goats are pregnant, and we got a new little 4 month old billy goat and mean old Johnson has gone to another farm for breeding. The chickens are laying better and the blueberries are coming in. Just a few weeks and they will be full, if we continue to get rain. The deer are eating most of the ripe ones that are near the trails but there are plenty for all us critters. They are also eating our pear trees, the leaves, they wait till the pares are ripe which will not be till August or so. I guess since the weather has been so hot and lots of stuff dying the deer are seeking out what is green. They ate my only two little nectarines, and that is right in front of the dogs. They are very brave but I don’t feel too bad, everything is so dry and food scares. I will probably miss the blueberry harvest since they will be ready to pick while I am gone, and I’ll have to leave the harvest up to the family.
Getting fit for the trip
The ticks, yellow flies and horse flies are really bad. It takes a tough hide or DEET to stay out there long and with the heat, making short trips into the woods and garden at anytime other than early morning can be rough. I am really glad I have been doing a little extra exersise in the early mornings. Speaking of which, every morning I play my flute for about 30 minutes as the sun is coming up and then I go on a two and a half mile run. This has been conditioning for me to get ready for this trip and helping relieve some of the stress over the past few weeks. I have really been trying to focus on the energy of our shifting world and feeling some things fall into place. I really feel our world preparing for changes in nature. As I have said before the animals are acting different. I have noticed lots of Crows and was gifted with a feather a few days ago. Last week Noah, Trent and I went for a long boat trip on the Wacissa, I saw birds I have never seen before and only one turtle, which was strange. There were lots of fish but we did not catch any, but we tried. Trent had his very first snorkeling experience at Big Blue and this kid is afraid of water. If you have never swam in Big Blue in the Wacissa River it is breath taking and crystal clear. Well worth the trip. But there was something different about the river.
I am sure there is plenty more I could blog today but I want to post some photos since I am on the CC WiFi and it only takes seconds to do so here are some to share.

LOOK CLOSE! I have never seen this before Locus leaving shell

Gardenia Tree!
Corn before the rain
 SEE There was fruit on this tree, Mr.Scruffy & Blue did not do it!
 Wacissa River
Swallow Tail Kite

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