Monday, July 4, 2011

July 3 Forest Day

Happy 4th of July!! I miss not being home with family and most of all could really could sink my teeth into some ribs!

July 3, 2011
Most everyone slept late since we were all either watching Lord of the Rings or hanging out in the hot tub that they just got going yesterday. We spent thee entire morning in the woods looking at plants and trees it was our forest day. Edible forest, herbs and mushrooms. We walked to the sugar mill and talked a lot about how sugar maple was collected and processed. I felt a little lost in the plant identification but was very interested since I have either heard of or used many of the plants at some time or the other. I enjoyed walking as a group through the woods but also enjoy just being a lone to listen to the birds and feel the energy of the land. We saw some interesting birds and a chipmunk in a tree, there must have been some nuts or berries they were both eating. Lots of wild strawberries that are delicious.
At lunch there was what started as a private conversation about our host, turned into some serious conversations of concern through out our group. Just before lunch she told us we were eating too much, that someone took food out of the kitchen and we needed to mind our sugar and salt intake because it indicates emotional eating. (WHAT???) We all feel we are being given very little food and asked for more food to graze on, it has not been provided. Then one of the students told me that she told her to get out of her kitchen twice, since her bedroom is behind the kitchen she must go through the kitchen to get outside. Strange vibes with that one, and I can honestly say that I have never had an issue with a host or a host site in all the years I have done workshops and camps. I think this is her issue of control, but we are here to learn about permaculture not to be psychoanalyzed or for treatment of addiction or emotional disorders. First off it is our food since we paid for the workshop and we are not eating on the top of the food budget by no means. And almost have to beg for eggs, cheese and meat which we have only had once. For me I am really tired of beans and hard flat bread.
After lunch it rained and was cold. We spent the entire day outside. We finished our aquapontics system and dug trees and replanted them on the roadside of the field for wind breaks. It was muddy and wet. I did a few slip and slides but met my challenge when we trekked through the woods and across a rotten bridge to dig trees in a high meadow. There are no snakes here but if there were I would have met one or two today, it was dangerous. I was tired of being cold and wet before we were done.
The evening session was all about natural buildings. A lot of slides about Cob. Which is a kind of adobe building with clay sand and straw. We have been talking about it all week and have the makings here. So tomorrow we are building a cob oven. I am very interested in these building options, some are made of hay or straw bails with cob on the outside. We saw photos of buildings that were hundreds of years old. I don’t know why it feels so unusual other than I am just not exposed to it as much as bamboo or palm from structures form our local area. It seems cob is used everywhere but most popular in the colder climates but doesn’t work well as thermal mass. I will find out.

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