Thursday, July 14, 2011

I made it home!!!

Just wanted to let you all know I made it home OK, Noah (husband) Jamie (youngest) and grandson Wiley met me at the airport and the flight was 30 minutes late. We laugh and played road games, had a good trip home getting there almost at midnight. Leslie (oldest) both grand children and her baby sitter were at our house. We were up till 1 am and I got up at 7 am and was in class at 9 am till 1pm. then I was held there working on the irrigation system until a huge thunderstorm rolled in and it was too dangerous to drive home because the rain was so hard I couldn't see the road. I got home about 2:30 and started working in the garden and with the animals till dark. Then I cooked a huge pot of spaghetti and salad. So this is the first moment I have had to sit down. We had a baby horse born today, a little colt. My goat did not have her babies but my husband bought three more little ones. Every one else is fine. I did have time to talk with Noah about Permaculture on the way to the feeds store and my garden is almost gone, I picked okra, egg plants, bell and hot peppers and a few tomatoes. The corn is 15 feet tall but not ready. I ate pears and figs off the tree and picked fresh brazil for dinner. Talked to Noah about making a spiral garden and sheet mulching.
So I have to go back to work in the morning because my boss has been working open to close for days without a break, so I will have to pay back some favorers. It will be good to be back in the store and back to some routine.
I still haven't gone through all 380 photos that I took in the Gardens but i will over the next few days and post the best ones here. I have a lot of catching up but I am aslo excited to start on my permaculture design.

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