Saturday, April 14, 2012

Working with Power and trip to Golden Rabbit Ranch

April 12, 2012
Rain and cold! We snuggled into a large room for our first day of real class with a good nights sleep I was ready. We started off working the Elements of the Talisman in the "Empowerment manual". We went outside is a moment of sunshine and called to the Elements, I chose fire since I really have felt a call to the power and my place in life right now. Our morning session was about "Power" with-in, with and power-over, leadership in groups and roles we play in groups of both collaborative and hierarchical structures. It was a great start to this class and I felt a kinship with many in this class. I am so happy to be here doing this work. A student beside me made the comment that we all seem to be connected since we read the book and are practicing the group process. I said to her, "This is just the first day of class". This is the first class of this kind ever and I know there will be very challenging moments. And that is what this work is about. We played lots of games and role playing to experience other sides of group process and power.

Trip to Golden Rabbit Ranch
Even though the afternoon was rainy and wet we took a field trip to Starhawk’s ranch. I was so excited to see things I had read about in her books and talked to her about over the years. Her land is steep and on a mountain top, lot of vertical slopes. We saw her hydroelectric system, her solar power, her gardens and Belgium fence. Her olive trees and rosemary, we saw Charles’s yert. We even took an adventure around her land and concocted stories about what we saw and found in the woods. It was a cold and challenging day, but we picked flowers and admired the beauty of the land.

By evening class we were totally wiped out. The evening class continued in deep discussions and exercises in power and leadership roles. We actually were going to make Bio-Char but ended up charging the barrel with things we wanted to rid the world of on paper marked and drawn with bio-char markers and went off to bed . it was poring down rain and very cold. I woke up with a screaming headache at 5:30am.
There are only 20 students in this class and the personalities and dynamics is starting to play out. This will be interesting, once again there is a nice mix of ages, back grounds races and ages. I am enjoying my affinity group. We have one woman from Ireland and another from Belgium, but she has lived all over the world and grew up in Australia. Also a really nice gay man I just adore and a crone that has many power dynamics to deal with. My roommate is half Japanese and I really adore her too. We actually moved into a room by ourselves and enjoy wispering late in the evening.
I am having some real issues getting on the internet but I am gong to keep trying to keep updated.

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