Monday, April 23, 2012

Ckicken Run and Passion Show

April 14, 2012
Last full day of class and the subject is "Difficult People". It was a wonderful day, full of information and Permaculture. We proved as a class that we have learned a lot about the subjects as we once again did a lot of role playing and discussion about difficult people and situations we have had in groups of all sorts. Process and more process and then we went out and played another role as we built a chicken run. This detailed hauling lots and lots of wheel barrows of compost into an area that the monks here will use as a chicken yard for the summer months. Our role was to stay in teams and be the best worker with in that team. It was impossible to do what that asked of us in teams in 45 minutes. About 10 minutes into the exercise as I was shoveling compost into wheel barrow after wheel barrow that we were revolting and working together as a whole group. Starhawk had already called me an Anarchist and Charles confirmed that when he realized I was going against the rules of the game and organizing everyone to work together to get more work done. I was very happy they all followed in, it was a mutual dicission and when the exercise was over we accomplished a lot more work and were given a thumbs up from our teachers for going against the system to get the job done. It was what they hoped for.
I never really identified myself as an Anarchist but I guess I am… I kinds like it!

Then I took on the role as MC for the Passion Show for the evening. I had two other that were in my group that also volunteered and we share the stage. We had 16 wonderful acts from singing to poetry, as well as so dance and stories. We even played this really cool game with cups. It was a lot of fun. I took several photos and video. But it is very late and I have to pack up and leave after class tomorrow. I will try to post one more time before I head off to another adventure, not sure what but the big Redwoods are on my to do list.

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