Monday, April 23, 2012

Last day of class

April 15, 2012
I could not down load the photos from the April 14th post so I messed with it until I totally ran out of time. It is a lot of pressure to be trying to keep up with the daily post and down load the photos as well as keep up with the hours of class, and socialize with the students. I must say this has been one of the most pleasant workshops I have ever done. The subject has been Powerful and the students really rock. I have had a few moments where I just sat back and processed the energy or either laughed my ass off at something so silly, like Beth’s jokes. This morning I really got into the conflict around consensus process when the facilitator totally lost control of the meeting. She learned a lot!
Last days are always emotional when you totally rock with your affinity groups, the teachers and the class as a whole. This was no exception, but I did not cry as I have in the past because the content of this work and the connections we have made will be through out a lifetime. Each of us has made serious pledges to continue on with this work. That doesn’t mean we will be in contact with each other per say but taking these skills out into the world is more important than promises that we will stay in touch. Many of us will cross paths again in some way, we all felt that.
We spent our morning talking more about difficult people and in meetings with difficult people. More role playing. I had to ground and draw out something that attached it’s self to Kiki after the mornings exercise, we were late for lunch because this was pretty serious. I did have a chance to process this with Starhawk later in the evening. Our closing ceremony was very touching and as we sat around the fire we build with all the stuff we wanted to dumped. For me I chose a piece of bark that a worm had chewed the figure of a snake into the center. This meant shedding the skin of the physical and the past for transformation but the snake also means power and for me has a special magical identification. We dumped what energy we had left for dealing with difficult people and stuff we processed over the class and prepared ourselves to go back into the real world.
If I would change anything about the class I would not let this been the last subject, it is the hardest but also brings up stuff students need time to process before they leave their teachers. Several times I asked Kiki if she was Ok and she assured me it was gone, I wonder if anyone else had some lingering energy of the work that was working it’s self out through people?


After I was packed and helped Starhawk and Charles pack up the last of the stuff, I followed them back to Golden Rabbit Ranch for the evening. Stavo rode with me but insisted we put the top down on the Eclipse, it took three of us to figure out you pushed a button on the dash, who knew??? It was pretty cool to ride through the mountains up to Starhawk’s ranch in a convertible. When I first got there I took a walk around the land and sat with the energy. It was late and I was tired and after a while I went inside for wonderful conversation with Charles, Shakti Sara, Julie, Stavo, Aresh and Kate and I crashed on the floor of Charles’s Yert for the evening. Starhawk and Carla(?) came in right at dark and we shared a meal of leftovers. We talked for hours about life, some about the workshop, a lot about dogs and animals. Sleeping on the floor was OK with me but the busy little mouse that shared the Yert and the fact that I had to pee and really did not want to get up made a restless night for me.


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