Tuesday, August 23, 2011

As August coming to a powerful end

August 23, 2011
Mercury has been in Retrograde since August 2nd and I have been in my Mercury energy, it goes direct on the 26th. Since my zodiac sign is at the mercy of the Mercury and when he goes into retrograde I take heed, I learned years ago to take this time to RE…re-evaluate, rethink, redo, readjust and re stuff. My world has not been one of rest but of reflection of life in general, my marriage, my home and my family. Things have been stressful and I have spent a lot of time thinking and rethinking ways to redo things. I am not to say that I am not happy and my life is not full of love and joy, it is, it has just been a good time to reevaluate things.
The first thing has been my garden. I spent weeks ripping out grass and weeds. I pulled up all the feed bags that were totally deteriorating…. what a mess! Rethinking what I am going to do next since, I have lots of ideas and experience and now training. I resurrected my tomatoes and now the last of the eggplant that has been through a rough summer of neglect and drought. The afternoon rains have kept them alive and they are struggling but still have some poor fruit and green leaves. Time to make up some Bio-Brew!
The corn is drying on the stalks and the beautiful orange corn reminds me of the Indian corn that you get around the fall holidays to decorate the table. The cows love it and I find great joy in tossing it over the fence to them. The goats don’t seem to care much for it but they seem to be a picky bunch anyway. A few days ago we lined the chicken nest with pine straw. Since we moved Roger and his one hen into the goat pen we built roost and laying boxes there as well. We set them up all nice and cozy and those damn goats ate the pine straw. That is so strange, they will not even eat the hay we give them and the little bit of green vegetation that grows in their pen but they eat the pine straw?
My last master gardener’s class a few weeks ago gave me lots of food for thought on what I want to do next. It was my favorite class so far. We had several speakers, instead on one long lecture on something that I find.. just very boring. There was so much information coming from maybe five different speakers that I really need to go through my notes and make my own notes. One of the speakers talked about pesticides and herbicides and it really got me on my high horse once again about organic foods, what we eat and such. Yesterday I sat down and watched Food Inc. again. And after thinking about all the crap we eat and how it is all controlled. I really want more than ever to produce all my own food and meats. As I eat my fresh eggs for breakfast, I count my blessings to be so fortunate to have this life. I sat for two hours last night cutting and preparing pears from our trees. Today I made Wild Hog Plum jelly and put up six quarts of fresh pears. Noah and I are talking about what to plant next week after the new moon and what we want in our fall garden.
Not only that I am very concerned about what is happening on the cosmic level. I feel every shift and every turn of the days and nights of the ninth wave. We started the fifth night last Friday, August 18 and I could feel it as if someone set a key into a huge lock and it went click. I know that over the next few weeks as we move closer to the sixth day we are going to feel the effects so much more, just turn on the TV and watch the news. And personally I do not feel we are seeing and hearing it all, just the tip of what is really happening in the world. And then there are the two comets coming, Elaine and Honda the first that will be here on Sept. 23-26, right at the Fall Equinox. There is the destruction of our world tree right at our front door and many people are not seeing and knowing it, but they are feeling it on some level or at least lets hope so. Not everyone will embrace the beauty of what is happening and some will not survive it. There is too much fear in the world, and others feed off that fear for their own personal gains. If you haven’t looked at this go to www.calleman.com read back through the months since the ninth wave began in March 2011.
The energy of those that are tuned in are starting to ramp up and the energy of those trying to escape or use it for their own profit are too. The anger and hate, the destruction and breakdown is happening on all levels. I just keep telling people to get right with yourselves and hold on. Be prepared to open your mind and your heart to the changes you are about to see in the world. Take care of yourself and yours first, there will be a time to help others in the world.
Permaculture Design is still on the top of my list, even though I have not actually put it into action yet. I must try to fulfill obligations that are already on my plate. I keep talking and telling people about it every day but for now my lectures are on hold, even though I am itchin to get on with it. I am planning to really look at start doing some talks in the fall and winter, maybe using public library or common space. But I also want to be working on my own projects too.
I am so drawn to write. Writing a book will be a huge part of my next journey. I don’t know where to start and I have been in that place for a long time. For years I have had so many of my friends and sometimes just total strangers tell my I need to write a book. I don’t even know where to start, other than I know I am a great story teller and I have had so many adventures to share with others. I have ideas how I would like to share my knowledge and experiences and I am truly passionate one day doing this. And then here am I in this world of total cosmic disruption, how will I ever find the time to sit that long to make this happen? That little voice says, be careful what you wish for….
For the next month I will be focusing on my fall garden and holding on to life. We will be Elements of Magic class in early September, then a public ritual for Mabon and Pagan Pride Day. And our own Circle’s Mabon ritual where we spin the Wheel of the Elements. I don’t know where I will be by the first of October, hopefully knee deep in rich composted soil and happily tending the garden. I am looking forward to the cooler temperatures and the crisp fall air, I love that smell. We are already starting to feel the churn of the tropic air as a Tropical storm/hurricane dances through the islands and will run up the eastcoast of Florida this weekend. The fall Hurricanes are always more intense and bring lots of needed rain. We are still way below on our rainfall but you can’t tell it by the grass that is growing out of control. I noticed the huge elephant ears yesterday that by this time of year are usually two to three feet across, they look like they just got started in their growth. It has been a difficult year. It is time to harvest the last of our honey and set the bees up for the fall and winter season, we leave them plenty of honey to make it through the winter but I love the fall harvest. The deer are having a field day in orchard and in Noah’s oak garden but it is still coming along. Our other rooster Robby seems to be much better for our hens, since Roger has gotten so mean that he jumps on me when I go into the pen and his hens were so eaten up with someone constantly pecking their butts and tail feathers. I have taken to tossing sticks and things at him and he goes over to the corner and screams at me, I am contently threatening "Rooster Stew" to him, but more like I would harvest his rooster legs and feathers and feed the rest to the dogs. Do people eat roosters? I sure hate getting spurred! Since we moved him in with the goats all the hens seem much happier and yesterday we got 16 eggs.
Last weekend we did some serious rearranging and reevaluating (Mercury energy again) of the farm. It all started the weekend before with some very serious discussions of the future and making the farm something that is more sustainable in nature and business. Farm management is not our strong hold and we are really not very good at it, even though we have been running a horse farm for over 25 years. Our horses are eating us out of house and home and they are the ones suffering from the high cost of feed and poor sandy soil. We are up to 35 horses and they have got to go. We have a full geriatrics unit and have already had three babies this year. Noah and I are getting too old to deal with this many horse, and frankly it is a luxury we can no longer afford to take care of efficiently. We are down sizing and getting pretty serious about it too. Leslie our oldest daughter came from Panama City and we spent the entire day on Saturday washing, trimming, worming, photographing and identifying the horses on the first wave of our sales list. We are building a catalog and sales list that we will put on the internet and in other publications. We are also looking to give a few away and send some to auction. We are actually doing this, after many years of just talking about it. It is time. Our focus has changed too. We are more into sustainability and talking care of ourselves and our family. We will always have horse of some kind JUST not so many. We are moving more to things we can eat like chickens, cows and goats. I guess if you really needed to, you could eat a horse. The day may come again where you will have to ride one to get to where you want to go.
For now I am in the spiral of life, moving in and out of the energy, up and down as the spiral spins and turns, facing in and out as I go. Waiting for the Planets to move and the weather to change. The equinox will bring changes in all the worlds. I list to the spirits as they guide me though and hold fast and true to what I know.
My blessings go to my beloved friend Bonnie, now in Nova Scotia attending her very first witch camp in Vermont this week. It has been a long awaited adventure my friend and my thoughts have been with you since you left home last Thursday. I hope you are having a wonderful time and as we say, What we do between the worlds, changes all the worlds, So mote it be."
On my way to work I hear about the Earth Quake….wake up and feel the Element of Change in our world!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Summer time Blues and Dog Days of Summer

August 4, 2011
Posting on August 5, 2011
Oh to the Summertime Blues…. Well I won’t really call it that, but some Blues singer did or was it Rock and Roll.

Tuesday night after I recovered from being Bear Caught (heat exhaustion) I had pretty much recharged and spent the heat of the day inside. That evening I did something stupid, something we all do it from time to time, it is painful and really stupid. I accidentally kicked the door jam going into the bathroom in the dark and totally jammed my little toe. I don’t think I broke it this time, I have broken my little toes so many times that I am surprised either of them have bones. Damn don’t you hate that.. when it happens? So, I am limping around and my little toe and the whole side of my foot is black and blue. Toes are pretty important and when they are hurting, it really messes you up. Arnica and soaking in Epsom salts, my cure for the day.
Yesterday I got up early watched the sunrise, pissed I couldn’t run. Sat on the porch drinking coffee, playing my flute and watching a heard of deer in the front yard. Two bucks, one little spike and the other in a full rack of velvet. I love their fuzzy antlers. Later I went into the woods with the golf cart and picked blueberries, since the deer have eaten most of them, I used the golf cart to get to the tops of the bushes. Then I did the same for the purple scupine grapes and the wild hog plums. I came home with buckets full of fruit and berries and the rest of my day was spent in the kitchen. I made up juice to make jelly next week. Then made Skillet Eggplant Parmesan for dinner.
Last night I had a nice long phone conversation with my beloved friend Bonnie from Nova Scotia. Her summer visitor, family, students from Spain and houseguest have all left and the family has their house back for a while. I just loved being there with her and the family, doing all the things we did, meeting people and seeing the sights. And yes, I will go back to Nova Scotia. I want to express my gratitude again for having this experience this summer. Being able to go to Canada for a month, spending a week with Bonnie, taking the adventure of traveling and going to Earth Activist Training. All that I learned and all I did and saw, I am so grateful. I just can’t stop thinking about all the really cool people I met and energies I touched. It was just Awesome! My gratitude goes to all those here at home that made this happen for me, my friends and family that supported me and gave me money and most of all held down the fort while I was gone. Thank You all again!

This one is for you Bonnie! My Altar for Canada! Nova Scotia to Florida direct line!

One the Farm
My weeds are still taking over, the grass is out of control and the mowers broke, damn… it is too hot to do anything about it anyway. The pears are almost ready to be picked before the deer eat them all. I am antsy and want to be doing something with permaculture, as I sit in my chair with my foot in a big pot of Epsom salt, you know you can use it on your plants too. I have tons of books to read and things I could be doing in the planning department. I want to be outside! Just love eating fresh eggs for breakfast and topping ti off with a warm pear right off the tree.
Speaking of Hot, not only is it dog days but Mercury is in Retrograde and now is the time to RE>>>>things, redo, reevaluate, remodel, rethink, re..re..re…relax… Oh that is not easy for me, so the universe tosses me a black and blue toe and says…SIT!
More Permaculture
I have been looking at Fungi. Even as hot as it is there are mushrooms everywhere, all different kinds. I found a little pamphlet at Borders on common mushrooms and the poison ones too. Noah and I have had fun looking at the different ones that grow around the yard and at the barn, their spore prints, gills, stems, cap size and color. I am just too afraid to try them since most of them appear to be the poison ones… or I just would like for someone to tell me they are edible. Better to be safe than dead or really sick., I’m not taking chances. Oh, I know what your thinking, no I am not looking for the little psilocybe mushrooms….oh no, been there and done that back in the 70’s. I know what THEY look like and horse poop does not support the spores, it has to be cow poop and a certain kind. In high school I did a book report on them and did my research well. At one time I was the one that knew where they grew in this area. I have developed a whole different kind of love and respect for mushrooms. Now, I just want to grow my own to eat and use them in my garden and in my compost pile. Thanks to permacultue, I can see what beautiful benefit they have to the natural system of all growth and decay. And yes, I want to know what wild mushrooms are edible and which ones will kill you. Noah has been looking on the internet for spores to inoculate wood with, to grow your own and to add to the compost piles. I would think we would have a pretty good growing season here for them.

Oh to the life of those hot steamy summer days where we sit in a cool spot, thinking of all those things we should be doing, but then just sit there and think about them some more.
This weekend is our Grand children’s Birthday party. Trent will be 7 on August 10th and Summer just turned 2 on July 29th. We are going to Panama City for their party on Saturday.
I know at least two of the are going to make you really sick, but that are so pretty! DO NOT EAT WILD MUSHROOMS unless you know for sure what they are, the ones that look edible are the ones that will kill you. I want to learn!!!

You Do Not have to look at this one....it is still black and blue after three days....

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Bear Caught

August 2, 2011
Bear Caught!
If you haven’t ever been Bear Caught now is your chance…..a near death experience and if you don’t have enough sense to get out of the garden that is where they will find you and you might as well just put it in your will to bury you there as well.
I may only be 11am and 87 degrees in the sunny garden but you can over heat so fast when you are pullin weeds. I had already run two miles in the warm morning air, sweated out most of my water and made myself attack the garden, still trying to reclaim what is left or at least pull up the irrigation system and the feed bags. The feed bags are totally deteriorating fast and Ken said they do not have UV inhibitors in the but I am concerned about what they are putting into the soil. What ever it is the weeds and grass love it, so I guess it can’t be too bad. But I made myself get out there stipped down to my short shorts and a sports bra and big hat and gloves. Just going to town…until I realized I was totally soaked and sweat was dripping around me where I stood, not uncommon, but then I felt the nausea and my head felt light, I headed for the garden hose and soaked myself head to toe the waves of nausea didn’t stop so I made my way inside and grabbing a wet towel and the phone and down on the kitchen floor. Oh Shit! I am Bear Caught! I grabbed a glass of water and sipped it as I wrapped the wet towel around my neck and the nausa began to let up. I checked my pulse and it began to return to normal as I cooled. Thinking that was really stupid! Next thought was I have too much to do today to be laid up with heat exhaustion. I took a cool shower and made ice tea and decided I needed to spend some time in a book or chillin on my computer until I felt a little better.

Afternoon Ramblings....
Read a cool little book about Florida Out Houses..bargan from Borders going out of business
It is too hot, I hear that King's Of Leon walked off the stage mid concert last weekend in Texas saying it was just too hot.Hear that Kat??? I also hear you will be home this week to decompress after your wild tour through Europe......
Too hot and Mercury is going into Retrograde tonight....Leo is the Hot Lion Fire Energy and Dog Days are upon us...Find some shade and stay cool!!! Take time to plan your fall garden!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Happy Lammas

August 1, 2011 Lammas is the second harvest of the season and the 10th anniversary of Magnolia Circle!

I woke this morning with the thought of Permaculture racing through my head. All the things I want to do, all the things I have learned and I want to teach others. All the things I want to share....I am passionate about this and I just feel so excited about making it happen. I had to go to the dermatologist at 7:30am for a check up. And to discuss my sun poisoning which he called....Poly Morphus Light Eruption! Whoo Hooo sounds kinda spooky!!

But I left there and did two things I don't normally do, one I sat at Bagle Heads for two hours just working on my computer, writing! then I spent two hours in Borders, almost in tears, that my most beloved book store is closing. I even said to the clerk as I checked out that I was sad. I spent money I did NOT have on important books.. all of which relate to permaculture, gardening, farming, sustainablity. So I justified my purchace when I have not paid my house payment or home owners insurance...or bought my grand children's birthday presents...Bad Mee Maw!

But I have started on my plans for what I am going to do with my Permaculture Design certificate and that I will be posting and tweeking in the near future. 
Have a wondeful harvest!!! 
Sorry I did not spell check this post