Sunday, May 15, 2011

Thank you Rain Goddess!

It was a long time coming but the rain Friday night and Saturday really helped the garden, the corn and green beans just jumped up about 2-4 inches over night. Ken's Corn project is doing well and growing, the next step will be to plant pole beans in the beds to grow with the corn. The garden is actually starting to produce. I know all the neighbors are already eating their vegetables but ours are slow coming on. I am grateful to say I don't have but a few bugs and everything is green.Cucumbers and squash for dinner tonight and a few tomatoes and stuffed peppers.

Last week a neighbor gave us his last few chickens and an Aracona rooster, that is really very pretty but also laid back. We found an oak snake in the chicken house last week that escaped before we could relocate her and we haven't seen her again. I am sure one of us will find her while collecting eggs in the near future. So the chickens have been producing lots of eggs and our rooster Rodger has been strutting around like roosters do, now that he has a little competition. He has gone after Trent (our grandson) and Noah but until this morning never even acted like he was going to spur me. I was feeding and he snuck up behind me and jumped on my leg and spurred me but good. A picked up the shovel and chased him around enough to let him know I was not going to put up with his aggression and told him, "I'll have myself some Rooster Stew". His replacement may just be what we need and the hens lay green eggs.

This morning I was coming into work listening to NPR and heard a awesome broadcast on Dark Green Religion, a book written by Bron Taylor from the University of Florida. I read a little about it on Amazon and it sounds very interesting, I will have to put it on my reading list and in the stack of "To Read" books by my chair, I am sure you all have one of those. This time of year reading is not on the top of my list, too much to do outside. But I did buy a book on Heirloom Vegetables and looked at Perennial Peanuts as a possible crop. Always planning the next step.

Lyme's Disease Warning: I just want to let you know our next door neighbor was just diagnosed with Lyme's as well as a friend's significant other (they live in Quincy), that was all in one week. If you ask any doctor in the area they will tell you there is no Lyme's disease around here, do NOT  believe it. I have known several people over the years that have had Lyme's here in the Tallahassee area. Years ago we use to have rituals at our farm twice a year until the ticks got so bad that you could not walk to the barn without getting one on you and they have been pretty bad this year already. I wear bike shorts and sports bras because they are tight and I can feel them crawling on my legs. Noah always wears tall rubber boots and we get one off each other from time to time, but we watch out for them and do regular tick checks. Look up the symptoms if you find a tick on you. Both the cases I just mentioned had the bull's eye rash, but sometimes people don't. Please be careful this is a really nasty disease if not treated can cause major health problems.As I always tell people coming to the farm, "If you feel something crawling on you, always check, because it probably is a tick".

Full Moon coming up on Tuesday Night. I call to the Goddess Artemis, this is the Flower Moon and I hear there is also a lunar eclipse but I don't know the details. Powerful Moon Magic! Time to dance in the garden with the Faery!

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